Thursday 27 September 2012

£5.50 Sainsburys Le Fontegnac Claret

Posh looking label for an average wine. Currently reduced in Sainsburys this Claret is unremarkable. Fairly pale in colour and slightly bitter taste. It is however drinkable and ok as a reserve. I dont think I will stock up on this one.

£5 Tesco Lateral Sauv Blanc

Another remarkably good cheap wine. Easy to drink, tasty and not too acidic. This white is to my taste and at a bargain price. The red is also very good. I will be buying more of these at this price.

Saturday 22 September 2012

£6 Sainsburys La Patrie Cahors Malbec

This is approx £6 when reduced as it is now at Sainburys. Its quite good. Good colour and taste but doesn't quite hit the mark completely. It looks like it should be a little bit better than it is. That said, I have been a lot more disappointed in other wines than I am in this. OK to buy.

< £6 Sainsburys - Wairau Cove Sauv Blanc

Sainsburys again. Looks sophisticated but isnt. Slightly too acidic, its ok and I wouldnt say there is much wrong with it. Its just that its not that remarkable.

£6 Sainsburys Mount Riley Sauv Blanc

This is surprisingly good and is one of the better whites that I have tried recently. I cant believe its less than £6 per bottle. It is neither bitter nor rough but rather has a sort of sweetness and delicate taste that is easy and pleasant to drink. This one is recommended.

£5 Sainsburys BattleField Wine

Another cheap wine from Sainsburys, however this one was more of a battle to get through. It seemed pale in colour and lacked depth of flavour. It improved slightly as we neared the bottom of the bottle but overall I would not go for this one again.  Live and learn ;)

Wednesday 19 September 2012

£5 - Tesco - Lateral Cabernet Sauvignon

Bought this red from Tescos out of frustration  - I couldn't see any other cheap wines that I liked. What a result - it is marvellous - rich, tasty, nice drinking. It has the taste and texture of a quality wine but is at basement prices. I am going to buy more of these. A good find.

I am finding that this wine is a bit hit-or-miss. In the last batch of 6 bottles that I have enjoyed it is noticeable that some of the wine is better than others. I am a bit surprised at this apparent difference in taste. The good bottles are great, the others less so. Reserving judgement on this one now. 
